서브 이미지

Management System Certification

MS Certification Procedure

컨텐츠 영역

Certification Procedure

  • STEP 01


  • Upon receipt of an inquiry, either verbal or written, the certification administrator will send an application/questionnaire forms to the client.

  • STEP 02

    Application Review
    and Contract

  • Upon receipt of the signed application / questionnaire, GSI will review the documents and provide a proposal and agreement to the client.

  • STEP 03

    Notification of Audit plan

  • After the audit certification agreement has been completed, GSI will notify the client of the detailed audit plan and the members of the audit team. At this time, audit plan is discussed between GSI and the client.

  • STEP 04

    Pre-Audit [Option]

  • The purpose of the pre-audit is to give an opportunity to the client to improve their system prior to the actual audit. At the client's request, a pre-Audit will be conducted.

  • STEP 05

    Stage 1 Audit

  • The Stage 1 audit is conducted to confirm conformity of the management system according to the applied standard and to prepare the Stage 2 audit. This audit includes a complete review of the management system documents and key items to ensure the client is prepared for the Stage 2 audit.

  • STEP 06

    Stage 2 Audit

  • Stage 2 audit is conducted to confirm that the management system of the organization actually meets the all requirements of the appropriate standard. If the system meets the requirement of standard by objective evidence, it is recommended for certification.

  • STEP 07

    Corrective action
    Of non-conformity

  • If non-conformities are found during the initial Stage 1 audit, those non-conformities must be corrected prior to the Stage 2 audit. For non-conformities found during the Stage 2 audit, they must be corrected before a certificate will be issued.

  • STEP 08

    Certification Review

  • GSI makes a decision in regard to the certification by means of a certification committee evaluation of the entire audit process.

  • STEP 09

    Certificate Issue

  • Once certification/registration is decided, the certificate will be issued to the client.

  • STEP 10

    Surveillance audit

  • Surveillance audit is conducted in order to verify whether the organization is following the stipulations set forth by the certification.
    Regular surveillance cycle cannot exceed one year.

  • STEP 11

    Recertification audit

  • A recertification audit is conducted for renewal of certification every 3 years. It is also conducted based on the same procedures outlined in the initial certification audit.

Certification Body Transfer Procedure

Pre-review for certification body transfer The transfer audit can be performed only for the certificates, which were issued by accredited certification bodies from the signed accreditation bodies to PAC or IAF MLA. Other than that, the clients will be considered as an initial client. Transfer audit contract will be made when the clients fulfills the transfer qualification.
Certification transfer application Application will be automatically submitted, when the requirements of pre-review were fulfilled.
Transfer audit Basically, transfer audit can be considered based on the procedure when the maintained certificates were issued by suspended or withdrawn certification body.
Corrective action for NCR Not closed NCR shall be completed by former certification body. If it is not done, it shall be completed by GSI.
Certification Review Same as the certification procedure above.
Certificate Issue Certificate will be issued for remaining expiration date.
Maintaining of Certification Surveillance audit and re-certification audit cycle follows the audit cycle decided by former certification day.

Relevant Facts for Certification Body Transfer Procedure

Expanding, reducing of certification

Expanding of certification When the certified client considers expending their certification scope or adding their sites, the client is able to apply for expansion of the scope to the certification body and the certification body decides approval for the expansion after reviewing and conducting necessary certification activities..
Reducing of certification In cases where the certified client is supposed to suspend their particular services or products stated on their certification scope, the client shall inform the cases to the certification body in a month and the certification body will decide approval it after reviewing and conducting necessary certification activities. In case of reducing the scope of certification, modification of the relevant promotion materials should be carried out.

Suspending, withdrawing of certification

In cases below, certification effectiveness could be suspended or withdrawn with correction of the certification and the certification body may make a decision to suspend or withdraw certification after reviewing the cases.
While suspended or withdrawn, the certified client shall ensure suspension using the relevant promotional materials.

  • The certified client does not allow surveillance audits to be conducted at the required frequencies (Surveillance audits shall be conducted at least once a year. The date of the first surveillance audit following initial certification shall not be more than 12 months from last day of the stage 2 audit)
  • The client's certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system.
  • Reliability of certification system is threatened by the claims or public criticism due to actions by the certified client.
  • The certified client's management system does not follow up on changes of certification management system requirements.
  • From the confirmation audit, major nonconformity was persisting following the initial discovery during the on-site audit.
  • Even though the certified client is required corrections due to misuse of certification marks, the relevant facts are not corrected (corrective action shall not be performed later than a month after the deadline set by the certification body.)
  • Certification audit fee is overdue more than 3 months.
  • The certified client does not adhere to the requirements of the certification contract.
  • The certified client's certification is used in excess of the certification scope.
  • Violation of contracts or agreements.
  • Even though the certification effectiveness is suspended, corrective action for the reason of suspension is overdue more than 3 months.
  • The certified client officially returns their certification to the certification body.
  • The certified client suspends their services or production of products as stated in certification scope.
  • No longer to confirm the certified client due to the out of contact or bankruptcy.
  • The certified client does not take any action for a month after the client is required to return their certification to the certification body.
  • Even though the certified client's certification is suspended due to failure to conduct surveillance audits, the surveillance is not conducted in a month.

QMS Initial Audit / Relationship between Effective Number of Personnel and Audit Time

(Following table is based on the IAF-MD5)

Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
1-5 1.5 626-875 12
6-10 2 876-1175 13
11-15 2.5 1176-1550 14
16-25 3 1551-2025 15
26-45 4 2026-2675 16
46-65 5 2676-3450 17
66-85 6 3451-4350 18
86-125 7 4351-5450 19
126-175 8 5451-6800 20
176-275 9 6801-8500 21
276-425 10 8501-10700 22
426-625 11 > 10700 Please contact
Note : The table above is the criteria of calculation, and the actual audit time is calculated with consideration of the complexity of processes and activities, applied legal requirements, shift pattern of works, and nature of organization.

EMS Initial Audit / Relationship between Effective Number of Personnel, Complexity and Audit Time

(Following table is based on the IAF-MD5)

Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
High Medium Low Limited High Medium Low Limited
1-5 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 626-875 17 13 10 6.5
6-10 3.5 3 3 3 876-1175 19 15 11 7
11-15 4.5 3.5 3 3 1176-1550 20 16 12 7.5
16-25 5.5 4.5 3.5 3 1551-2025 21 17 12 8
26-45 7 5.5 4 3 2026-2675 23 18 13 8.5
46-65 8 6 4.5 3.5 2676-3450 25 19 14 9
66-85 9 7 5 3.5 3451-4350 27 20 15 10
86-125 11 8 5.5 4 4351-5450 28 21 16 11
126-175 12 9 6 4.5 5451-6800 30 23 17 12
176-275 13 10 7 5 6801-8500 32 25 19 13
276-425 15 11 8 5.5 8501-10700 34 27 20 14
426-625 16 12 9 6 > 10700 Please contact
Note : The table above is the criteria of calculation, and the actual audit time is calculated with consideration of the complexity of processes and activities, applied legal requirements, shift pattern of works, and nature of organization.

OHSMS Initial Audit / Relationship between Effective Number of Personnel, Complexity and Audit Time

(Following table is based on the IAF-MD5)

Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
High Medium Low High Medium Low
1-5 3 2.5 2.5 626-875 17 13 10
6-10 3.5 3 3 876-1175 19 15 11
11-15 4.5 3.5 3 1176-1550 20 16 12
16-25 5.5 4.5 3.5 1551-2025 21 17 12
26-45 7 5.5 4 2026-2675 23 18 13
46-65 8 6 4.5 2676-3450 25 19 14
66-85 9 7 5 3451-4350 27 20 15
86-125 11 8 5.5 4351-5450 28 21 16
126-175 12 9 6 5451-6800 30 23 17
176-275 13 10 7 6801-8500 32 25 19
276-425 15 11 8 8501-10700 34 27 20
426-625 16 12 9 10700 Please contact
Note : The table above is the criteria of calculation, and the actual audit time is calculated with consideration of the complexity of processes and activities, applied legal requirements, shift pattern of works, and nature of organization.

FSMS Initial audit / MD Calculation

(Following table is based on ISO/TS 22003.)

Cotegory TD
(Basic Site Time)
(Additional HACCP research)
(Do not have relevant Management system)
(Effective number of personnel)
Number of Personnel Audit Time
A 0.75 0.25 0.25 1 - 19 0
B 0.75 0.25 20 - 49 0.5
C 1.50 0.50 50 - 79 1.0
D 1.50 0.50 80 - 199 1.5
E 1.00 0.50 200 - 499 2.0
F 1.00 0.50 500 - 899 2.5
G 1.00 0.25 900 - 1299 3.0
H 1.00 0.25 1300 - 1699 3.5
I 1.00 0.25 1700 - 2999 4.0
J 1.00 0.25 3000 - 5000 4.5
K 1.50 0.50 5000초과 5.0
TS(Initial audit time) = TD + TH + TMS + TFTE

MDQMS Initial Audit / Relationship between Effective Number of Personnel and Audit Time

(Following table is based on the IAF-MD9)

Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
Effective Number
of Personnel
Audit Time
Stage 1 + Stage 2(days)
1-5 3 626-875 15
6-10 4 876-1175 16
11-15 4.5 1176-1550 17
16-25 5 1551-2025 18
26-45 6 2026-2675 19
46-65 7 2676-3450 20
66-85 8 3451-4350 21
86-125 10 4351-5450 22
126-175 11 5451-6800 23
176-275 12 6801-8500 24
276-425 13 8501-10700 25
426-625 14 > 10700 Please contact
Note : The table above is the criteria of calculation, and the actual audit time is calculated with consideration of the complexity of processes and activities, applied legal requirements, shift pattern of works, and nature of organization.
Created by WISHWEB
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